Friday, March 02, 2007

IHG & DP Closing

the last of it all... victory supper in some sense for a smashing DP but a disappointing IHG season thou we won the guy's title...
food was good... pastry was nice... the usual funny awards given out... and a not too bad IHG concluding video... DP's video kana virus.. so din get to watch... there was the emo speech by the graduating old birds... i was one of them...
flashback: seems like yesterday only when i was in my first year IHG... listening to old pple like whiston, tom, sham etc giving speech... blinker of an eye... 3 years on and i am the one on stage sharing my thoughts... time flies doesnt it... end of my competitive career... end of my dancing life... looking at the juniors, i think i didnt do a good job as a senior passing down values and spirit of the hall... i was dwelling in yesterday years and engrossing myself in my own company of friends...

pity... emo moments aplenty as graduating pple like me, derrick, thams, pillay, ranjan, xiaoyan, sianghui, naj, meng, wingkit and even the shy kimberly had more than 2 cents worth of thoughts to share... plenty of pple missing of course, like lorraine, siding, noel etc... i guess we will miss hall, the people, the bonds, the things we do, the memories we share, sweat, tears... we really will...

sayoz Eusoff...


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