Monday, January 09, 2006

First Day of School

Feels like a fine day when i woke up... everything feels a little different when you are the champion. Thou i missed the first lesson at 8 due to fatigue from yesterday, Vivian was sweet as ever helping me take notes and buying the course pack. Appreciate her a lot...

went for the second lecture at 10, realised how unprepared i was for it. my table was filled with last sem's work still and i cant find anything and havent even planned for the tutorials. But its all good, cos after lesson, on the way to canteen, i met Daniel. I gave him a friendly pat on the back, we smiled at each other, nothing to say but we know it in our hearts. =) The bonding we built has been drawn nearer due to our victory, the feeling is magnificient...

At the canteen, we sat with Lay Peng, we became acquaintances, i guess its turned out to be a fine day indeed. After lunch on the way back, saw Luke and Chin, everyone was happier, i think IHG has began for us, although we lost 3of our titles to them, we fought back and are raring to go. I remembered Chin's nick last night - "Walking on the shoulders of giants" and this morning's "somewhere over the rainbow". The support was really marvellous yesterday, the best she has experienced too, she said. Cos we started fighting for something which we know its ours. The takraw team has became an inspiration for the rest of the hall. I am intending to bring it forward to the rest of the sports i am in... it just bonded everyone a little closer i guess.

BTW, Ben just came over, "Champions, lunch anyone??"


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