Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Winter Amsterdam

AMsterdam in winter is really freezing cold.. not helped when the temperature is -8 degrees plus Amsterdam is a river city, Venice of the north... so the winter wind is really freezing...

i guess together with the cold, it took away any enthusiasm for any sightseeing... the original plans of visiting Antwerp is put on hold till the weather is nearer... din even visit any museum or Anne Frank's house. managed to meet up with Lewis to have steak and some catching up... the next day was just shopping along the streets, din get to eat the famous pork ribs too... cos it opened at some weird hours from 8pm to 4am... managed to get some christmasy street food on Lewis' recommendations - pofferties, waffles and dutch donuts... its really yummy...

there is even an ice skating rink out in the open in the middle of the streets... din try that thou....

i wanna be back during the tulip season... which is april? or may?
looking forward to that...

Milan tmr...


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